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Click here to support outreach to Latino voters for THE Georgia Senate race
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Click here to support outreach to Latino voters for Georgia Senate race

We're knocking doors in Arizona and Florida!

This election is a life or death threat situation for our country, and the polls show that there is still a 30% of eligible voters that haven’t made their choice. Let’s convince them to vote against Trump with us! Talking to people is the most effective way to make our point, so let’s remind them of what’s at stake and help them get registered to vote. We're looking for more volunteers to help us knock on more doors in AZ and FL.

Join the movement.

This election is a life or death threat on our community, so we need more than your vote to win. Sign up to be part of getting Trump out.

Jeronimo Saldaña

If you’re in a blue state, join one of our remote activities.

Over the last few months, we’ve spoken with 12k Latinos who have committed to vote against Trump. And a recent poll shows that favorability to Trump has declined from 29% to 21%! Now we’re only a few weeks away, so we need you to expand our reach. Join us for text banking so we make sure all Latinos have easy access to all the relevant voting information specific to their state.

El Chacal dice Fuera Trump

If texting isn’t your thing, phone calls also work!

This election is a fight we will win or lose together. No matter what state we live in, the consequences of another Trump term will hurt all of us. North Carolina has Biden winning by 1% and, in Georgia, the polls still show a tie. Young Latino voters have the power to flip the elections in these key states, so we’re doing everything we can to help them get registered to vote. Join us for a phone banking session during the time that’s more convenient for you.

“We have to organize against Trump because our lives depend on it. We cannot continue to be attacked, thrown away, and forgotten. Our families and communities deserve better and the future generations need to see us lead by example. It's time to move like we have never done before and get Trump out.”

Sarah Nuñez, Kentucky

Sarah Nuñez, Kentucky

Throw down in a battleground state that will decide this election.

Access voting resources in these 4 states and join our phone banking, texting or door knocking sessions.

North Carolina

Pick your Sister State and throw down with the battlegrounds that need us most to win against Trump.

Pick your Sister State and throw down with the battlegrounds that need us most to win against Trump.

North Carolina

Let’s join forces with our national partners.

The New Florida Majority is an independent political organization working to increase the voting and political power of marginalized and excluded constituencies toward an inclusive, equitable, and just Florida. They train grassroots citizens to be leaders, mobilize communities to vote, educate the public to share our values, and inspire Floridians to take action to build a powerful new vision for Florida’s new majority.
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Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) is a membership-led, grassroots organization that builds power with Arizona’s working families to advance social, racial and economic justice for all. Through grassroots campaigns, leadership development, advocacy and civic engagement, they work to create an Arizona in which every person enjoys equal rights, opportunities and protections.
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Carlos for Phoenix is the political organization that got Carlos Garcia elected to the Phoenix City Council in 2019. Garcia is a Mijente founding member, long-time director of Puente Human Rights Movement, and most recently Councilman of the City’s 8th District. Since his election his office has led on progressive policies including on immigration enforcement, policing and criminalization, and distribution of resources that are just for all communities.
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Mijente PAC is the Political Action Committee for Mijente. We are a national political home for Latinx and Chicanx organizing. We are pro‑Latinx, pro‑Black, pro‑indigenous, pro‑worker, pro‑mujer, pro‑immigrant, and pro‑pachamama, and we prioritize building social movements across places, peoples and issues. We host the Fuera Trump campaigns.
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SONG Power is a home for LGBTQ liberation across all lines of race, class, abilities, age, culture, gender, and sexuality in the South, and the new political and advocacy arm of Southerners on New Ground (SONG). SONG Power pushes policy demands, connects with and organizes thousands LGBTQ Southerners to support strategic campaigns and progressive policies and candidates.
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GLAHR Action Network is a political organization dedicated to organizing, educating, and mobilizing the Latino community in Georgia and the new political arm of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR). GLAHR Action Network uses electoral and political strategies to improve the lives of Georgia Latinos and the immigrant community.
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“Latinos are three times more likely to become infected from the coronavirus than white Americans, and nearly twice as likely to die from it.”

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

“Hispanic women have experienced a steeper decline in employment (‑21%) in the COVID-19 downturn than other women or men.”

- Pew Hispanic Research

“Latino Americans received only about 7% of the benefits from Trump’s tax law.”

- New York Times

“Hispanics are nearly twice as likely as whites to have lost their jobs amid the coronavirus shutdowns, according to a Washington Post-Ipsos poll, underlining that the pandemic is wreaking a disproportionate toll on some racial and ethnic groups."

- Washington Post

Help us go hard against Trump by inviting your gente.

Sign up to keep throwing down.

Paid for by Mijente PAC, 734 W Polk St., Phoenix, AZ 85007, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.